#Binance I got tired of writing, geese didn't get tired of being cut.

First 57 then ,59 a nice cleaning was done.

Now let's see what comes, a second 57 is a matter of time, geese have saved their feathers there, the stock market will take them all. Then it will pluck the geese at 60 thousand again. With this mindset, these geese can only enter the bull season with one dollar in their pockets.

Protect your spot investments, we have entered the month of rise. Of course the geese's feathers will be taken but a good period is starting ahead of us, don't believe those who draw lines here and there saying 40 will come, there is no support or resistance in this business, they draw where there is liquidation.

When the bull fever starts, they can't do anything, they don't have the strength. Right now they are in the fisherman mode who is on a carp hunt.

Don't be a prey.