One thing that prevents the price of WLD from rising quickly is that it is a highly inflationary token and the market knows this.

Investors, in general, prefer to keep assets in their investment portfolios that are not subject to great inflationary pressure.

In addition, those who receive WLD for having their iris scanned tend to sell the rewards in exchange for fiat money, stablecoins or $BTC , which is why WLD is under constant downward pressure.

The Worldcoin $WLD token, which was at $4 or $5 several weeks ago, is having trouble breaking through the $2 barrier. There are even those who believe that it is more likely to settle below $1.5 than above $2.

In addition, it has already been trending downwards for months, as can be seen in the historical chart of its price.

The reasons for this collapse are varied, but they all focus on the distrust of regulators in different countries towards the project.

The particular way of collecting data from people sets off alarms among data protection agencies around the world.

Countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina. They file lawsuits against the organization $WLD

Some administrations such as Hong Kong ordered the firm to stop its activities.

This is a reality that is repeated in one country after another and all this despite the fact that the firm behind the protocol makes efforts to demonstrate that they work in good faith.

According to the leaders of the protocol, people's private information never stops being private.

However, convincing regulators is presented as an uphill task. It is this context that keeps the Worldcoin (WLD) token in trouble.

Even so, a bullish weekend is expected.

We can reach 1.7