⭐️ What's Happening at the Market?

BTC almost broke through $65k at the start of the week, but the celebration was short-lived as Friday closed below $60k. This was actually due to two main reasons, Firstly, market activity and trading volumes have decreased, and secondly, there are no large buyers on the market, which were ETF funds, since in 4 days the outflows from ETFs reached $478 million.

🐋 However, wallets whales holding more than 100 BTC have hit a 17-month high, with data showing supply on exchanges has shrunk by 40,000 BTC, or $2.4 billion, over the past three days.

🐶 Elon Musk has confirmed that he wants to return Dogecoin payments for Tesla products, unfortunately this has not affected the price of DOGE yet.

🇺🇸 Donald Trump posted a short video in which he promised to turn the United States into the world's crypto capital.