Many people don’t understand what Wukong learned from Bodhi Patriarch, let me put it this way!

Teacher: I will teach you Solidity, Web3.js, Ethereum smart contract development, and you will be an excellent blockchain developer in the future

Dog Village: No, no.

Teacher: I will teach you liquidity mining, oracle operation, and interpretation of white papers of mainstream cryptocurrencies, and you will be a DeFi boss in the future.

Dog Village: No, no.

Teacher: I will teach you ZK-rollup, zero-knowledge proof, and cross-chain bridge design, and you will be a privacy protection and cross-chain expert in the future.

Dog Village: No, no.

The teacher smashed the hardware wallet three times and turned away.

In the middle of the night, you ran to the teacher’s office, and the teacher whispered: I will teach you to issue local dogs, shout orders in the community, and also give you a set of accurate smashing and running skills, so that you can cash out empty-handed as soon as you graduate and become a big cut in the industry.

Dog Village: Yes, yes, yes, I want to learn this. Teacher, how can I thank you when I make a fortune in the future?

Teacher: Why bother saying thank you? If you get into trouble in the future, just don’t expose me. #USTC/USDT #LUNC\USDT