💎 Cryptocurrencies

🔸 Trading volumes of futures ETFs on ETH on the first day amounted to only $2 million

🔸 El Salvador launched the first BTC mining pool

🏦 Crypto exchanges

🔸 Binance has released a new confirmation of reserves: all assets are backed by +100%

🔸 Binance spot trading share decreased for the seventh month in a row and amounted to 34.3% in September

🪙 Financial news

🔸 The National Bank of Ukraine switched to a managed exchange rate regime

🔸 For $1 they give 100 rubles again.

🔸 Apple CEO Tim Cook sold company shares for $87.8 million

⚖️ Regulation

🔸 The US Department of Justice opened criminal cases against 8 Chinese companies for drug trafficking using cryptocurrencies

🔸 SEC sued Elon Musk for refusing to disclose details of the Twitter acquisition deal 👀

🔸 The authorities of Uzbekistan have adopted a procedure for registering mining companies

⚙️ Technologies

🔸 Elon Musk personally tested streaming on Twitter

🔸 Apple has released a software update to solve the iPhone 15 overheating problem

🔸 The Moscow metro is testing payment for travel in digital rubles

🚨 Hacks

🔸 Research: In September, crypto projects were hacked for $329.8 million

🔸 Galxe Web3 platform has been hacked, the project team recommends not using their services