! Breaking news, breaking news! !

People in the square say that the bull market is gone and the bear market is coming? ! !

It's just alarmist! ! !

Pingtou Ge tells everyone clearly that the bull market is still there! !

Because just now, Fed Powell announced another breaking news! !

Fed Powell hinted that interest rates will definitely be cut in September! And the probability of 25 basis points is as high as 75%! The black swan mentioned in the square will not come, if you don't believe it, wait and see!

There are only four weeks left before CZ is released from prison, and some charlatans say that CZ is going to go to jail again. Are you CZ? Do you know again? Everyone doesn't have to be swayed by this view! But Pingtou Ge still recommends that you focus on the high altitude at the moment!

Here is an introduction to Gravity, which is a very good coin:

Gravity is an innovative full-chain smart contract platform that aims to simplify complex blockchain interactions. By adopting zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) and proof of stake (PoS) architecture, Gravity provides users with an efficient and secure cross-chain transaction environment.

Rights and benefits of G token holders

Users holding G tokens have the right to participate in platform governance and can vote on the direction of the platform's development. In addition, by staking tokens, holders can also receive network rewards and realize asset appreciation.

Future prospects of Gravity

Gravity's high efficiency and security features meet the needs of large-scale decentralized applications. With the development of blockchain technology, Gravity will become a reliable infrastructure for various projects and help the prosperity of the Web3 ecosystem.

Collaborative development of Gravity and Galxe

The in-depth cooperation between Gravity and Galxe will greatly improve transaction efficiency and user experience. By supporting more than 60 million transactions per month, this cooperation will make Galxe more dynamic in the blockchain ecosystem and attract more users and projects to participate. #Gravity先行主网上线 @Gravity