The world is witnessing a seismic shift as the detention of Telegram founder Pavel Durov sparks global outrage. Over 2 million voices have united in the #FREEDUROV movement, advocating for Durov and the fundamental right to free speech. This massive show of support has not only caught the attention of politicians but also ignited a dramatic 25% surge in the $DOGS token—now a symbol of resistance against oppressive systems.

In a striking display of the power of public sentiment, a major arms deal to supply 80 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia has been frozen in protest against Durov's arrest. The rise of $DOGS and the halt of this significant military contract underscore how deeply finance and politics are influenced by collective action.

This moment is a testament to the strength of unity and the belief in a future where rights are safeguarded. The global response reveals how passion and solidarity can reshape both financial markets and geopolitical decisions.

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