🚨Microsoft cybersecurity researchers have discovered a serious zero-day vulnerability in the Chromium engine, which has been exploited by the North Korean hacker group Citrine Sleet to target cryptocurrency users. ⚠️

The group created fake crypto trading platforms to trick users into downloading malware or weaponized wallets to steal assets. The rootkit malware named FudModule can obtain remote code execution permissions, which is extremely harmful. 😨

Fortunately, this vulnerability was fixed on August 21. Everyone must update the browser as soon as possible to ensure safety! In addition, Citrine Sleet has previously spread malicious code through Telegram to attack cryptocurrency startups. Stay vigilant and avoid downloading unknown files or clicking on suspicious links! 🔒 #HARD #STMX #REN #slp #QKC $AAVE $HARD $STMX