Kim Dotcom, the infamous file-sharing founder, has made a startling claim that the French government has suffered a massive financial blow due to the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. According to Dotcom, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has frozen a lucrative deal to purchase 80 Rafale fighter jets from France, resulting in a loss of approximately $17 billion.

Dotcom attributes the UAE's decision to Durov's arrest, highlighting the Telegram founder's close ties to the Emirates. Durov holds UAE citizenship and is reportedly a close friend of Deputy Prime Minister Hamdan Al Maktoum. This relationship, Dotcom suggests, has influenced the UAE's decision to protest Durov's arrest by halting the fighter jet deal.

In response to the situation, Dotcom is advocating for a boycott of France, urging individuals to refrain from visiting the country or purchasing French goods until Durov is released. This move aims to pressure the French government into reevaluating Durov's case and potentially releasing him from custody.

The situation has sparked a diplomatic row, with significant economic implications for France. As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen how the French government will respond to the UAE's actions and Dotcom's calls for a boycott.

#freedurove #TelegramCEO