In the B circle, the real future target of 10 times or 100 times is definitely something that few people pay attention to, and few KOLs mention it.

After all, the real target can only be verified if it runs out. Before it is verified, there must be many common sense problems or misunderstandings. It is possible to achieve 10 times or 100 times but there are many problems at the same time. Even if the influencer knows it, he will not share it.

1: There is a risk of loss, and targets that are seriously undervalued usually also have serious problems, which means that the risk index is very high.

2: Before 10x or 100x, if you share it for free, you will be ignored or even abused. No one will cherish it if you make it for free. If you make a profit, you will be laughed at, but if you lose, you will be scolded by nmb.

Trust requires a price, whether positive or negative, the essence is to pay for cognition

3: Game theory theory, the less people know about the underestimation stage, the greater the room for improvement. Theoretically, every opponent entering the underestimation stage is also an opponent.