If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. Lincoln also said, "If I have to spend eight hours chopping down a tree, I will spend six hours sharpening my axe." In futures trading, this motto can be understood as: research and learning are very important. The time spent preparing for the exchange should exceed the time spent on placing orders and watching the market.

Another week is coming to an end. This week, the market has undergone a major adjustment. First, there was a continuous short-selling trend, and then it formed a range of fluctuations, and a short-term support was formed at the bottom again. According to the current market, Ethereum has already stood firm above 2300, but the upper pressure is still strong.

In the future, it still depends on whether the concubine can stabilize at the medium and long-term support level, and the strong support here is 2100! Let's look at the short-term market trend. At present, the K-line is below the Fibonacci golden section line 61.8 and is constantly hitting the 2400 position. If it is pierced, we should not blindly rush to short. Even if the market is in a downward trend, the current various news is not enough to support a large leap in the market. We can consider catching a rebound and then shorting again! In summary: ETH: short around 2480-2510, target 2430-2400, risk control: 2545. BTC: short around 58600-59100. Target: 58000--57500 risk control: 59550. Welcome everyone to communicate in real time eth8986#BNBChainMemeCoin #Telegram创始人获保释 #英伟达财报 $BTC $ETH