The highly anticipated decentralized storage network CESS Network is celebrating the launch of the CESS final testnet Venus! A Merkle competition is being held, where you can get $CESS airdrops worth hundreds of thousands of U + other surprise prizes! Nothing much to say, just go for it!

Now follow me and open the website:

As shown below, click Connect Tiwitter to connect your Twitter account to register:

On the Twitter authorization page that pops up, click Authorize Application. I have to say a few more words here. The authorization scope required here is indeed a bit too much. It is mainly for the convenience of doing social tasks later. You don’t have to worry about security issues. CESS is a standardized large project that has been developed for more than five years. You can search for related news. Binance, Foresight News, The Paper, Chain Catcher, Golden Finance and other media have reported on it. If you are still worried, you can register with a Twitter account.

After binding Twitter, return to the official event page:

Copy the invitation code 1237139 and paste it into the pop-up window. Click Join to successfully register! You must have an invitation code to participate in this event.

Let’s start the first task. Click Task 1 as shown below (Note! This first task is optional, you can skip it and do the second task directly)

Your invitation code will pop up, as shown in the figure below. Click Copy to copy it, and then go and invite your friends to participate. As long as you invite three people to register on Twitter, you have completed Task 1. If you find this difficult to complete, don't worry, because Task 1 is optional. You can skip it and go directly to Task 2. When you have time later, you can slowly invite your friends.

Next, click Task 2. If Task 2 has not turned blue and cannot be opened, don't worry. Just wait for a while and refresh it. It will turn blue and can be opened the next day at the latest. Note that even if you don't do Task 1, you can do Task 2 directly the next day, but you must complete Task 2 to unlock the following Task 3 and Task 4.

After clicking Task2, a task window pops up showing four small tasks. They are very simple, namely joining the Telegram group, joining Discord, following the official Twitter account, and retweeting tweets. Basically, they can all be done with one click, especially the tasks of following Twitter and retweeting. You don’t even need to open the Twitter page, you can complete it with one click.

After completing each small interactive task, you must confirm the completion, as shown in the following figure:

After completing all four tasks, don't forget to click Get Points as shown in the picture below to collect your points.

Now start the third task, click Task 3 in the picture below

I thought the tasks would become more and more difficult, but it was a pleasant surprise. The CESS team is really humorous. The third task was just to post a tweet with their relevant hashtags, and the tweets were all pre-written. You just need to click on the tweet to complete it. It really is that simple.

Of course, after completing the task, don’t forget to click Get Points to collect points. It’s such a great sense of accomplishment!

I didn’t expect that I could do the last task Task 4 so soon. I clicked to open it. It turned out that it required you to bind the wallet address of CESS wallet. Yes, this CESS has its own wallet. If you haven’t created a CESS wallet yet, it’s very simple. Click here indicated by the red arrow in the picture below to create one.

After clicking here, you will enter the CESS wallet website:

As shown in the figure below, you have two ways to create a CESS wallet, one is to connect to the EVM wallet, and the other is to connect to the Polkadot wallet. The EVM wallet is more common and convenient, so generally you can choose to connect to the EVM wallet. Click Connect Wallet indicated by the red arrow in the figure below.

A bunch of commonly used wallets will pop up for you to choose. Here, choose the most commonly used Little Fox wallet MetaMask. This wallet is installed on most people’s browsers.

After that, just authorize and confirm the signature:

Finally, the CESS wallet interface as shown below will be displayed. Click the icon indicated by the red arrow to copy the CESS wallet address:

Paste the copied address into the Task4 page and click Bind to bind the wallet address. You are done! Get 40 points again!

It’s not over yet. Click the red arrow in the picture below. Like Tweet. This is a daily lucky sign-in task. You can sign in once a day and get 1-20 Points.

A lucky wheel will pop up. Click Start to start playing. You will get points based on how many points you get! Don't forget to come back tomorrow to spin! You can spin once a day! It is equivalent to signing in to get the wool, and it is a sign-in that does not require gas at all. You must persist in getting the wool!

You may have noticed that there is a task at the bottom of the Merkle activity page, which is the one in the red box in the picture below. This is an exclusive task, only applicable to users who have purchased nodes in the early stage. You can get points by logging in with the wallet address holding CM. The reward is proportional to the number of purchases. Generally, new users do not have CM, so there is no need to look at this item.

When you complete the above tasks and insist on signing in for the draw every day, you will get more and more Points. The more points you get, the more $CESS airdrops you can redeem in the future. You can slowly accumulate points like this, or try your luck and redeem them for Block treasure chests to win more points! Of course, the draw depends entirely on luck, you may make money or lose money, so you have to think carefully, or just use a small amount of points to draw.

Here we will teach you how to redeem Block blocks, then open Block treasure chests to win more points and even Navigators spaceship grand prizes.

Click on Redeem as indicated by the red arrow in the picture below

On the next page, select the number of Blocks you want to redeem. Generally, it is easier to just select All. Redeem as many Blocks as you can. Click Redeem Blocks

Then, click Open as indicated by the red arrow in the picture below.

After you exchange several Blocks, several treasure chests will be displayed, as shown in the picture below. Click on the treasure chests one by one and open them to win the Navigators spaceship!

The official odds of winning are as follows:

50% chance of getting 0 points (10 points lost)

30% chance of winning 10 points (break-even)

15% chance of winning 20 points (doubled)

4% chance of winning 50 points (quintuple)

0.9% chance of winning 100 points (10 times)

0.1% chance of winning the Spaceship jackpot

Compared to 1 point, the spaceship can be exchanged for 1000 times the $CESS airdrop amount. Good luck to the players!

Of course, there is a 50% chance that you will get an empty box, so if you want to be safe, just use a small amount of points to try your luck in the lottery. Most of the points should not be exchanged for Block treasure chests. Slowly accumulate them, and win by playing it safe. In the end, you will win if you can get the $CESS airdrop.

Project Introduction:

CESS is a decentralized cloud storage network and CD²N network based on blockchain, which supports online data storage and real-time sharing, and provides a full-stack solution for the storage and retrieval of high-frequency dynamic data in Web3.

CESS data value network is a Layer 1 infrastructure built with the DePIN concept, featuring decentralization, efficiency, security, privacy, and scalability. CESS supports large-scale commercial storage and can carry phenomenal decentralized applications (dApps); CESS supports data value and the free circulation/sharing of data value, while using a trustless approach to achieve user data privacy protection and return data sovereignty to data owners, thereby building a prosperous, diverse, and data asset-sovereign new data economy ecosystem.

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