Proudly, @The_Mardini and I have linked our names to the $YSU coin.

We proudly say that we do not benefit from this coin financially, not even a single dollar, and God is witness to this.

We are proudly showing that this coin has exposed a large group of scammers, trend-takers, and enemies of success on Twitter. They are already exposed, but the world does not like to believe them and loves those who laugh at them. 🔊🔊

This coin has exposed those who claim to be with society and work for the benefit of the people. Unfortunately, these mercenaries on Twitter accept to take $200 or $300 and publish about scam coins clearly, but they do not publish about a coin owned by an Arab community. ‌

Thank God, we are very proud of this project that exposed all these trivial characters. 🙏

We will continue with this project until the end and we will succeed despite every hater and thief in this field. The people who tried to scare people about the currency are fraudulent and failed people and brought the world to the bottom and promoted scam currencies and gave recommendations for how to behave in the world and even a young boy can see this clearly 🧹🧹

Whoever wants to continue with them and believe their words, God is with him because his fate is always loss or being a victim of fraud and theft, congratulations.

As for us, we will continue and we will reach our goals and the people who entered with us are all on profit, thank God. 🚀🚀

As we promised you, we will not stoop to their level and respond to them because the response will be in the chart below👇 and you will still see many big surprises with time that will kill you and cleanse society of your dirty people đŸ’Ș

$YSU #yallasun