Analysis of the evening market trend

The intraday market gave a small retracement in the morning and tested the shock. The overall market was in a shock consolidation. The market on Friday did not give too strong fluctuations in the morning. We should pay attention to the volume in the evening.

From the current market, the daily line has closed the cross star K. The intraday market fluctuates around the 58650-59600 range. The overall market is slightly unclear about the current market. The short-term support is around 58600, the strong resistance point is around 57500, and the upper strong pressure is the middle track of the four-hour line.

Such a market also makes the current market move towards a wide range of shocks. Combined with the current four-hour line, the K line is in a sideways trend with shocks, and the middle track is under pressure. The current position is high. Such a short-term line is easier to do, and high-altitude and low-multiple can be done. While the long and short positions are unclear, it is recommended that medium and long-term friends should focus on short positions and wait for opportunities.

The current market trend is still slightly bullish. Pay attention to the support and pressure levels in 43 operations.


BTC: 58800-59100 area, target area can be 60000/61000.

ETH: 2470-2500 area, target area can be 2580/2630

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