Want to stop loss correctly? Start by setting a 100% stop loss for each trade. Although this may sound a bit extreme, it is a key step in developing a habit of stop loss! Before each order, set a stop loss point, such as a 10% loss. There is no special logic to this process, it is mainly to help you form a habit of stop loss.

When you are used to this stop loss method, you may feel that the 10% stop loss is too large. At this time, you can try to set a stop loss based on the pressure support level. When you can skillfully use these support levels to stop loss, you will find that the stop loss range still makes you feel too large. At this time, you have two choices: either operate with a light position or avoid opening a position at such a point. In this way, you begin to involve the level of fund management.

When you can successfully use the pressure support level to stop loss, and gradually reduce losses, and start moving the stop loss to protect profits, you may want to increase your position. At this time, you can delve into techniques such as position increase strategy, moving stop profit, batch position opening and batch liquidation.

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