The market is panicking! Ethereum plunges 40%, is it facing a collapse? We have seized these two currencies that are about to experience major benefits and start taking action!

The recent plunge in the U.S. dollar index has had a huge impact on the currency circle! There are also many major events happening in the currency circle.

Let’s focus on some of the coins I’ve purchased recently. We analyze them one by one by market capitalization.

The first thing we want to talk about is Ethereum. Although it has weakened significantly compared to other mainstream coins recently, this is an excellent opportunity to get on board. Take a look at the chart and you’ll see that even with the underperformance, Ethereum buying is still growing significantly. This is the moment for you to seize the opportunity!

The giant whale is shopping crazily! A large amount of Ethereum has been snapped up, and may be pledged to earn coins or stored in cold wallets. This has caused the Ethereum currency on the exchange to shrink significantly and scarcity has increased sharply!

Looking back at the past market conditions, giant whales often hunt for the bottom when the currency price is low, and only transfer the currency to the exchange for sale when the currency price is high. What does today's whale movement portend? This whale sweep may mean upcoming huge opportunities or market turmoil!

Although giant whales cannot accurately copy the bottom or escape the top every time, most of their operations are still very accurate.

Back to Ethereum itself, the loss of Ethereum coins in exchanges has become increasingly obvious, causing Ethereum coins in exchanges to become extremely scarce!

As more and more currencies are pledged and locked, Ethereum's fundamentals remain solid, and the current oversold situation actually provides huge potential for its strong rebound in the future.

Now is an excellent time to buy, and the potential for future gains will undoubtedly be jaw-dropping!

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