
Hi guys, it's all red again❗❗

BTC movements are no longer predictable, even for some of our best analysts🫥🫥... But not to worry, things should be moving soon..

There isn't much to do for now but hold patiently... We can't do much for you after a liquidation, that's why you need to hold your horses...

Bear traps are known to shake out those of little faith.. Avoid emotions. Consider the fact that six months post-halving , historically, has never been easy...you are strong if you are here till now.

Rather, consider staking some of the coins you were chasing after the pump..$ORDI for instance..

I've also been watching out for some low cap investments like $REI . REI is yet to do it's first and last bull run...So, take the chance and book yourself In...NEVER chase the pump.

This is your chance to create generational wealth👊👊

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