Private equity fund Liuyuan No. 2 lost 77.7% in 112 days. What does it reflect?

Recently, the stocks of the four major banks in the village have reached record highs every day. If some bank stocks are excluded, the A-share index has now reached 2100 points, which is already in the bottom range. If the A-share index falls again, I will slowly increase my position in the A-share index.

The interest rate cut cycle is coming. In 25 years, there will not only be a big bull market for Bitcoin, but also great opportunities for some A-share stocks. Invest in the A-share market based on the five points of good industry, good enterprise, good price, long-term holding and appropriate diversification, and choose some long-term valuable stocks, and the future rate of return will not be bad.

I take what others abandon

Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowd is loud

Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful

There is nothing new under the sun

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