Unlock 15.9% APR with FDUSD Locked Products – Limited Time Offer!
Promotion Period: August 30, 2024, 07:00 (UTC) to September 9, 2024, 06:59 (UTC)
Why You Shouldn't Miss This:
- Product:FDUSD Locked Products
- Duration: 10 Days
- APR: 15.9%
- Minimum Subscription: 0.1 FDUSD
- Maximum Subscription: 1,000 FDUSD
- Total Pool: 10,000,000 FDUSD
How It Works:
- First-Come, First-Served:Act quickly to secure your spot!
- Fixed APR: Enjoy a consistent 15.9% APR for the entire term.
- Principal Protection:Your initial investment is returned upon redemption or at the end of the term.
- Daily Rewards: Earn rewards daily, directly into your Spot Wallet.
- Early Redemption:Available, but rewards will be forfeited. Principal returned minus any rewards already distributed.
How to Get Started:
1. Buy FDUSD: Use the Spot market or supported payment methods (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or wallet balances).
2. Deposit FDUSD: Add it to your Binance account.
3. Subscribe: Go to [Simple Earn], find FDUSD, select the 10-day option, and start earning.
Important Notes:
- Regional Availability:Check if you’re eligible, as this may vary by location.
- APR Adjustments:Binance may adjust APRs without notice.
- Asset Loaning:Deposits might be loaned to other users.
- Redemption Delays: Be aware of potential delays due to market factors.
For More Information:Visit the Locked Products FAQ and review Binance Simple Earn Terms & Conditions for full details.
Secure your spot now and maximize your earnings!