#Cats price prediction

1. Current Market Metrics

Last Price: $0.000728 per CATS

24h Total Volume: $102.73K

Total Volume (USDT): $241.04K

Total Supply: 600,000,000,000 CATS

2. Market Cap Calculation

To estimate the market capitalization (market cap) and predict the price, we need to consider the total supply and current price.

Market Cap Formula: Market Cap= Last Price × Total Supply

Potential Market Caps: $600 million (at $0.001), $3 billion (at $0.005), and $6 billion (at $0.01).


Based on the current data:

1. If CATS maintains its current price, the market cap is approximately $436.8 million.

2. A price increase to $0.001 would push the market cap to around $600 million.

3. At $0.005, the market cap could reach $3 billion

#cats #binance