Let's talk about #Dogs coin: opportunities and risks

First, let's talk about the highlights of DOGS coin:

It is listed on the BN new coin platform, and the transaction is very active. Everyone can buy and sell. Its founder is very powerful, called "Black Swan". Even if the market is not good, he can keep DOGS coin stable or even rise, which shows that there is big money behind it. Therefore, before DOGS coin is officially listed, 50 million people want to hold it. It is really popular!

However, I think DOGS coin may fall again and then rise sharply. Why?

Washing: Because DOGS coin is given to many people for free, those who get it may sell it to make money. In order to drive away those who want to sell and let those who really want to hold it come in, big funds may deliberately let the price fall. This process is called washing.

Selling pressure: The price of DOGS coin is already quite high now, and many people may want to sell it to make money. Moreover, many people's DOGS coins have not yet arrived in their accounts. When they arrive, they may also sell it, so the price will be under pressure and may fall again.

Just like strk, DOGS coin may also stabilize first, then rise, and then fall again. So, if you don't sell at the highest point, don't be too sad, after all, it's not easy to make money. Investment is about long-term, don't let short-term fluctuations affect your mood.

Next focus on observation

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