It was previously reported that Telegram founder Pavel Durov originally planned to have dinner with French President Macron on the day of his arrest. However, Macron denied this at a press conference yesterday and emphasized that Durov's case will be handled independently by the judicial system. Politics has nothing to do with it. (Preliminary summary: Kremlin: The arrest of Telegram founder should not turn into a "political persecution") (Background supplement: News Flash "French Prime Minister Macron: The arrest of Telegram founder Durov is a judicial investigation and "is definitely not politically motivated") After 96 hours of detention, Telegram founder Pavel Durov paid a bail of 5 million euros (approximately NT$176 million) yesterday (29th) and regained his freedom. However, he was formally charged with 6 crimes by the prosecutor and must stay in France reports to the police station every week. Earlier, local media reported that Durov told the police that he had planned to have dinner with French President Macron on the day of his arrest. Although Paris officials denied the news, the community immediately launched the "Feast at Hongmen" conspiracy theory, believing that Macron set up a trap to arrest Durov for political purposes. Macron: No appointment with Durov. In response to this, Macron officially responded at a press conference yesterday, saying that he did not invite Durov to visit France and had no knowledge of his coming to France. He emphasized: For my part, I had absolutely no idea that Mr. Durov would come to France. This is normal because I will not know every national from all over the world who comes to France, whether they have French nationality or not. Macron once again stressed that Durov's case will be handled independently by the French judicial system and will not be motivated by political purposes. He has also previously insisted that Durov's arrest was part of a judicial investigation, not a political decision, and that the final outcome would be determined by a judge. BREAKING: Macron – I was absolutely not aware of his arrival. That is normal. It is false to say that I had made an invitation. — Viktor (@s0meone_u_know) August 29, 2024 Kremlin: Durov The case should not become a witch hunt. However, political conspiracy theories surrounding Durov's arrest are still widely discussed. Reuters reported yesterday that the Kremlin, the Russian presidential office, has expressed its stance, stressing that France's judicial investigation into Durov should not turn into a "political persecution."Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: We have said that he is a French citizen and he has everything needed to organize a legal defence. The bottom line is that what is happening in France does not turn into a witch hunt. We know that the French president denies any connection with politics, but on the other hand, certain accusations have been made. We'll watch what happens next. Peskov also stressed that Durov still holds Russian citizenship and said Moscow would be ready to assist him if necessary, just as it would any Russian citizen. Political conspiracy theories surrounding Durov’s detention The case surrounding Durov’s arrest has been widely discussed due to Telegram’s huge influence in global communications. Is this incident "anti-freedom", "politically motivated" against Russia, or a "true crime"? has become the focus of global public opinion. Many liberals criticized the French government and believed that this move threatened the foundation of free speech. They believed that the platform itself was not at fault. The problem was how criminals used the platform to commit crimes. They view such operations as more about government control than an actual fight against crime. To obtain classified war information? In terms of political conspiracy theories, since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Telegram has become an important platform for both parties to disseminate war-related and political information. Both Ukrainian President Zelensky and the Russian government have used Telegram to disseminate war-related information, making it an important platform for various parties to spread war-related information. An important tool for obtaining unfiltered information. This background has fueled speculation about possible political motives behind Durov's arrest. According to foreign media reports, Russian security officials claimed that the United States may be behind the attack, hoping to pressure Durov to allow the installation of a "backdoor" in Telegram to enter the platform system and database. Extended reading: Why did France arrest Durov? Wall Street Journal: Telegram holds confidential information on the Ukraine-Russia war. In addition, Durov’s Russian background also makes him face greater political pressure in Western countries. France and other Western countries have been highly wary of Russia in recent years, especially as geopolitical tensions have intensified. This wary mentality may extend to companies and individuals related to Russia.Therefore, some may believe that his arrest is related to Western hostility to Russia. However, judging from the information currently available to the public, it appears that the main reason for Durov's arrest was based on accusations of criminal activity. Durov was charged with six counts related to illegal transactions, money laundering and refusing to provide information to authorities. If convicted, Durov could face up to 10 years in prison. Extended reading: French prosecutors indicted Durov for six major crimes and have launched a judicial investigation into Telegram. Related reports French prosecutors have indicted Durov for six major crimes and have launched a judicial investigation into Telegram. Is defending freedom guilty? The arrest of Telegram founder Durov sparked a debate on the boundary between the rule of law and freedom. Telegram founder was granted 5 million euros "bail but prohibited from leaving the law." Prosecutors officially opened an investigation. Is Durov guilty? 〈Macron “denies setting up a trap” and invites Durov to France for dinner: Telegram case is purely a judicial investigation and has no political purpose〉 This article was first published in BlockTempo "Dongqu Trend - the most influential blockchain news" media".