According to TechFlow, the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai, issued a report on virtual currency crimes. Since 2022, the procuratorate has handled 23 criminal cases involving virtual currency involving 45 people, and the number of cases accepted has been on the rise for three consecutive years. At the same time, the relevant cases show the characteristics of complex means of committing crimes, specialized and concealed technology, and high crime amounts. In the existing cases, the average illegal gains of criminals are more than 1 million yuan, and in some cases, the illegal gains of criminals are more than 5 million yuan.

In addition, according to the Xinmin Evening News, in response to the trend of increasing number of virtual currency crime cases and large amounts of money involved in recent years, the Xuhui District Procuratorate and the Xuhui District Public Security Bureau jointly signed the "Standardized Guidelines for the Handling of Virtual Currency Involved in Criminal Proceedings", which provide more detailed and clear regulations on the entire process and each link involved in handling virtual currency cases, including inquiry and evidence collection, seizure and custody, and transfer and disposal, providing specific guidelines for the legal handling of virtual currencies involved.