Floki's fees have skyrocketed in the past few days, with the highest being -2% at a time, which is -2190%. That is, if you go long for a year, you can earn 21.9 times the fees, making it a paradise for arbitrageurs. But don't worry, so many people are shorting floki because they are going to airdrop $390 million of cat to floki holders, snapshot on the 30th. Many retail investors buy floki, but are afraid of price drops, so they short hedge, which leads to such an exaggerated funding rate.

Not sure whether the airdropped cat can be worth the funding fee paid, let's play steady, that's what I want to talk about G.

G is the native token of Gravity, which is an L1 public chain that focuses on cross-chain integration and is a full-chain smart contract platform. It hopes to achieve low-friction value transfer between chains through efficient and scalable security mechanisms. The technical core of Gravity is to use zero-knowledge proof, proof-of-stake architecture and other advanced consensus mechanisms to ensure the security and stability of the chain, and through full-chain abstraction, the technical complexity is placed at the bottom, so that users can enjoy security and convenience while operating easily.

As the native token of Gravity, G not only serves as the gas fee, but also can add value to users through actions such as staking. Since Gravity adopts the PoS mechanism, node staking is the best choice for long-term G holders, and Gravety's proof of stake is supported by a combination of G token native staking and re-staking protocols.

In addition, if you hold G, you can also participate in Binance's super financial management event, which is also the focus of my talk today. Binance and Gravity have cooperated to launch a new round of G financial management, which is divided into 30 days/60 days/90 days. The single account limit is 250,000/250,000/15,000 respectively. If all of this round of financial management is completed, 1,645/6,624/1,119 can be obtained respectively. According to the current price of 0.038 USDT, the single number income is 280 USDT. If you don't want to take risks, you can also hedge and obtain G through shorting in the contract market, which is still a positive return. If you only participate for 90 days, the annualized return is the highest, up to 29.9%.

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