PANews August 30 news, according to Cointelegraph, French President Macron said at a press conference during a diplomatic visit to Serbia that he did not invite Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov to France, and he was unaware of his trip to France. He said: "For my part, I was completely unaware that Durov came to France. This is normal because I can't know all the people from all over the world who come to France, whether they have French nationality or not." Macron then reiterated that Durov's case will be "handled independently by the French judicial system." Macron has been widely opposed by the international community for his decision to arrest Durov. But Macron insisted that the decision to detain Durov had nothing to do with politics. According to previous news, Durov has been formally prosecuted by the French prosecutor and has been released after paying a 5 million euro bail, but he is required to stay in France and contact law enforcement every week. According to the Wall Street Journal, Durov had lunch with Macron in 2018, during which he was invited to move the company to Paris and apply for French citizenship.