Super good news!

A US judge has rejected the US SEC's claim that BNB tokens are securities!

Everyone also pays attention to: Gravity is like a highway toll station in the blockchain world, but it is not only fast, but also extremely safe, and it knows how to make complex blockchain technology simple and easy to understand.

Imagine that you drive on the highway without worrying about traffic jams on the road, because Gravity uses super advanced technology to make transactions fast. At the same time, it also has an advanced security system, just like installing anti-theft locks on every car to ensure that your transaction information will not be peeped or tampered with.

The best thing is that Gravity knows how to "translate" complex blockchain technology into a language that everyone can understand, so that you don't need to be a technical expert to easily use blockchain for transactions. It's like you only need to know how to drive to enjoy the convenience of the highway without having to understand the complex engineering of road construction.

So, what Gravity users get is: a fast, safe, and simple blockchain experience, so that everyone can easily enjoy the benefits of blockchain. #Gravity先行主网上线