Binance has announced the delisting of Polygon (MATIC)-related trading pairs on its platform in August 2024. While Binance has not publicly disclosed all the detailed reasons for this decision, some possible reasons can be considered:

1. Low Trading Volume: One of the most common reasons for trading pairs to be delisted from exchanges is low trading volume. If a pair is not generating enough activity, it may not be viable to keep it available on the platform.

2. Compliance and Regulation: Binance has been facing increasing regulatory pressure in various jurisdictions. If MATIC or some specific trading pairs come under regulatory scrutiny, Binance may choose to delist these pairs to minimize legal risks.

3. Offering Rationalization: Exchanges frequently review their products and services to ensure they offer an efficient and competitive product line. This may lead to the delisting of less popular or less strategic pairs.

4. Market Changes: Changes in market conditions or new strategic priorities of Binance may also influence the decision to delist certain assets.

5. Project Performance or Updates: Internal issues within the Polygon (MATIC) project, such as delays in major updates or concerns about the project's longevity, may have influenced the decision.

While these are some of the possible reasons, it is important to note that Binance usually evaluates several factors before making the decision to delist an asset.

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