Today's capital is 1100u. The night before yesterday and yesterday were really a nightmare day. After I posted the article the night before yesterday, my capital accumulated to about 1500u. A wave of pull-ups in the evening directly sent me to the west. Then I placed an order at night and woke up with only 190u. I operated casually during the day and it was almost zero. Then I operated frantically during the day and it reached about 600u. When it was almost time to get off work, it went back to square one. I don’t know what to say. I found that the more anxious I am to open an order, the greater the probability of loss. When I had the principal before, I opened orders calmly and made as much money as I wanted. Now, I really open an order and get trapped in the reversal. It’s too difficult to play. I didn’t post an article yesterday because I had no money and no motivation. No, I don't have the joy to share. I have accumulated a little bit from 110u last night to now. I feel that I need to withdraw money. Every time I don't withdraw money, I can't make it for two days. I don't know when I can go back to 1wu. I miss those days. Even if I am stuck and have no money, I don't panic because the funds are there. Alas, things are different now. If I can make it through today and tomorrow, I will be considered a success.

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