

In the current period, the market seems to be cooling down. Most people who have been here for a long time predict this cooling down as preparation for an upcoming period of strong fluctuations (warning of the storm):

- Currently, it can be seen that the capital flow into the Bitcoin code has decreased significantly, many investors are no longer afraid of running out of Bitcoin, including the ETF newbie group with many people at their peak.

- There are only a few cries from short-term buyers when prices drop, but very little. Long-term traders have already found the coins they like and even if the market forces them to sell them, they will not release them, and will even fill them up.

- Because in the long term, holding tight, in the short term, weak hands hold very little stock, so the market can hardly decrease too much because the supply is no longer large.

- Looking at more data, we can see that lending interest rates for speculative activities have also decreased. The decrease in speculation means the game is resetting to prepare for a new game.

=> This article is to note that the market is pale, moving sideways, trying to decrease but can't, increasing also can't, plus signs that the game is resetting to prepare for the volatile season. I hope the storm increases the price, not the storm reduces the price.

Forgot to note the chart: After the 2020 halving, the market also lacks salt just like now, the new trend is not clear. Then suddenly gamefi and defi broke out, whereas before these two trends looked very stupid.

Source: A ShengMo