$ZEN You can hold on for a while and see. After the founder of Telegram was arrested, the concept of privacy may suddenly explode, but it is hard to say. At present, Twitter and Telegram are the two platforms that are generally known to protect ideas and speech. When the founder of Telegram was arrested, Musk came out to support it immediately.


The coin Zen can be said to be full of buffs at present. It is a large holding coin of Grayscale, a historical low, a historically high transaction volume last month, and it is rare to be removed from observation by Binance. The price of its brother $ZEC is several times higher, and it is a recent privacy topic. . .

. Friends who like long-term investment may wish to pay attention to it. At present, I am waiting for this Zen. It seems that there is a chance to replicate or surpass my operation in $CKB in February this year.
