With cutting-edge blockchain technology, web3 gaming seeks to compete with established stores like Steam and the Epic Games Store.

The promise of blockchain gaming, which draws in close to 3 million users every day, has the gaming community buzzing. Discussions on whether blockchain may eventually challenge or even replace well-known platforms like Steam and the Epic Games Store have been prompted by the popularity of blockchain in the gaming industry.

For ease of use, dependability, and user experience, traditional platforms have set the bar high, winning over millions of players globally. On the other hand, despite its innovation, Web3 gaming still has a long way to go before it becomes as widely accepted.

Present-day difficulties with Web3 gaming
Web3 gaming has great potential for a decentralized, player-driven future, but before it can reach its full potential, a few important concerns must be resolved:

intricate user interface

The intricacy of Web3 gaming is a challenge for novice players. Blockchain gaming frequently necessitates traversing numerous systems, each with its own setup, such as digital wallets, non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, and in-game awards. This is in contrast to traditional platforms, where everything from purchasing to gameplay is connected effortlessly. This disjointed experience might be too much for newbies, who could find the technological requirements difficult to handle.

Absence of motivation onchain

A lot of Web3 games only provide the basic game elements as incentives. The added benefits that traditional games frequently provide to keep players interested are absent from many Web3 games, which detracts from the overall appealing gaming experience.

fragmented Web3 groups

The dispersed nature of Web3 gaming communities across several platforms is a challenge for both players seeking out new games and creators seeking to establish a connection with their target audience. The development of a cohesive, active gaming community is hampered by this fragmentation.

Incomprehensible login procedures

The one-click simplicity that gamers anticipate is absent from Web3 gaming. Conventional platforms reduce the barrier between wanting to play and actually playing by providing simple updates, seamless synchronization, and intuitive login processes. Blockchain games, on the other hand, sometimes need complicated verification procedures and manual installations, which makes them inaccessible to players who value simplicity.

Resolving issues with Web3 gaming
The transition to Web3 gaming presents a number of options, notwithstanding the difficulties. Developers are striving to streamline user interfaces, incorporate blockchain features into unified platforms, and simplify user experiences as the industry changes. With each passing day, these advancements close the gap between Web2 and Web3 gaming, increasing the accessibility and allure of blockchain gaming for a larger range of users.

GGEM, a Web2 and Web3 blockchain gaming platform, intends to address existing Web3 gaming problems with its Web3 game launcher and infrastructure that was introduced on Berachain. To provide a better Web3 launcher for developers and gamers, the platform set up four fundamental pillars:

simplified interaction with the user

The launcher for GGEM is meant to be just as user-friendly as conventional Web2 platforms. If you've ever used the Epic Games Store or Steam, GGEM will look familiar. Simplifying the user journey, everything from game administration to wallet handling and NFT transactions takes place on one platform.

Integrated platform

Players may trade NFTs, keep track of their custodial wallets, and synchronize their gameplay across many titles using GGEM's one-stop shop. The platform makes sure that progress and achievements are monitored easily, which improves the gameplay experience in general.

missions and prizes in-game

With the help of the launcher, games may incorporate in-game missions thanks to GGEM's software development kit (SDK). Once a task is finished, players instantaneously get rewards in their custodial wallets. This system encourages a variety of games that are offered on the platform and keeps gamers interested.

Another kind of incentive is provided by GGEM's events and competitions, which also offer rewards to active players. Additionally, GGEM will provide a free option to rent NFTs from any game that has been included.

Community integration and developer tools

Developers may easily synchronize their games with the launcher by using the tools that GGEM offers. Using a variety of admin tools, developers may personalize their game sites to make their games unique. Furthermore, by connecting Web2 and Web3 players, GGEM creates a platform where players can quickly discover new games and creators can interact with an audience. This promotes a more cohesive gaming community.

What Web3 has to offer
A number of games that have joined the GGEM platform have discovered that established Web2 platforms such as the Epic Games Store, or standard Web3 solutions, are not the best fit for their particular requirements. The extensive technological solution and wider scope of GGEM have successfully filled up these gaps.

The SDK for in-game missions is one noteworthy feature that gives players extra rewards and increases awareness for different titles on the platform. With Web3 and Web2 games, this feature can increase player engagement and help creators reach a larger audience.

Considering the future
There is a lack of a unified infrastructure in the Web3 gaming market today. It is difficult for players to discover new game titles, learn how to utilize other platforms, and make the switch from Web2. When developing unique solutions, game creators encounter hefty expenses and technological difficulties.

GGEM seeks to address these problems by developing a comprehensive Web3 gaming environment. Web2 and Web3 players will be able to discover and play new games without any restrictions thanks to the GGEM Launcher, which will function as a full ecosystem. GGEM promises to simplify development tools and provide a more cohesive game experience by improving accessibility and engagement for Web3 gaming.

GGEM's long-term objective is for Web3 gaming to be smoothly included into the larger gaming community. By removing the complexity of Web3 and offering a uniform platform, GGEM is simplifying and enhancing accessibility to gaming for all users.

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