On August 25, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France and faces multiple charges of fraud, money laundering, terrorism and other crimes. The TON ecosystem, which has been growing rapidly and gaining popularity this year, has suffered a heavy blow. Toncoin was the first to bear the brunt and once plummeted by 20%. The prospect of TON, which was highly expected to be a model of going out of the circle, will temporarily be questioned.

However, this also provides investors with an opportunity to buy TON at a low point. When should they buy? Do they need to buy? This is very important for users who want to make money from this incident. If this incident continues for a long time, then even if TON falls by 20%, it is not a good time to buy the bottom. If Pavel Durov is acquitted or released after paying money, then TON will definitely soar.

Therefore, TON Wealth Planet has made a special report on the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. We will share the latest news in the Telegram group. Everyone knows that news is money in the currency circle💰. Know the news one step earlier and make money one step earlier💰!

T-G:@tonvalueplanet #Telegram创始人获保释 #Telegram创始人被抓 #PavelDurov #Toncoin #TON生态 $TON $NOT $DOGS