When the market price falls to a certain level, the dealer starts to buy the bottom based on his own psychological expectations. The sign of buying the bottom is manifested in the obvious increase of trading volume in the technical chart.

At this time, the dealer has an expectation in his mind, which I call a potential expectation. This potential expectation is only the dealer's own idea and does not represent other market participants.

So how can we make this combination of questions gain widespread market recognition?

At this time, real evidence is needed to provide corroboration. It happens that a new physical event occurs in the real world, such as the "Trump shooting". This new physical event gives the synthesis a real content, thus constructing a new proposition: Trump has a high chance of winning the election, and the Democratic Party may cut interest rates in advance to save the election, or cut interest rates immediately after Trump is elected.

The new proposition has strong logic and can be generally accepted by the market. The dealer immediately took advantage of the opportunity to significantly increase the price and set a new high.

Here is a question: Why does the dealer have to push the price to a new high?

Because new highs are recognized by the market as a signal of market reversal.

It's like when we play the game of chicken, we fire the signal gun and the airdrop comes immediately. The new high is a signal gun, and other bulls in the market will move.

The bull army has now joined forces and launched a mighty attack on the top.

As long as the antithesis does not appear, or as long as the new proposition is not falsified, the market price will continue to rise📈, and even if it cannot rise, it will remain at a high level.

🐶 The method of short selling by the banker is the same as above, except that the pull-up is changed to a crash. I will not go into details here, you can learn from it.