Is Overnight Trading Profitable?

➡️ Yes, overnight trading can be profitable. In fact, researchers from the University of Georgia found that the difference between overnight and intraday returns can be significant, both in individual stocks as well as in managed funds. This is because in-demand stocks traded after-hours are often brokered by smaller brokerage houses with lower supply, which increases demand and therefore price.


The Bottom Line :-

➡️ Overnight trading takes place after the markets close and once the after-hours session ends and before the pre-market session opens the following morning. Whether and when overnight trading is available depends on the securities traded and whether your broker offers such trading through its trading platform.

Traders often use overnight trading and after-hours trading to take advantage of news or changes that take place after the market closes. Make sure that you understand the additional risks of trading after hours if you want to capture additional profit during overnight trades

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