PANews reported on August 29 that according to Forbes, Telegram founder Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland due to a criminal complaint filed by his ex-partner Irina Bolgar, alleging child abuse. These allegations surfaced after Durov was recently arrested in France and are part of a wider legal dispute, including claims of unpaid child support and a fierce custody battle.

The Geneva Public Prosecution Office initially refused to accept the criminal complaint against Durov because it was filed more than three months after the most recent alleged incident of physical violence. In May 2023, Bolgar appealed, and the court allowed the case to proceed last October. According to Geneva court officials, the case is still ongoing, with Bolgar accusing Durov of injuring their youngest son (born in September 2017) five times between 2021 and 2022. The incidents allegedly caused injuries to the child, including concussions and sleep disorders, and records of messages between Bolgar and Durov in November 2021 and a medical certificate from April 2023 were submitted as evidence that the child continued to suffer anxiety and sleep problems as a result of the violence.

A representative for Durov declined to comment. Bolgar's lawyer confirmed that Bolgar and his three children are involved in the civil case but declined to comment on the criminal complaint. Durov, Bolgar and their children have not been publicly named in the criminal case due to Swiss law, but there are multiple details in the case that identify Durov, including his children's birth years and the case number of the civil children's case.

Earlier news, Durov was released on bail after being charged by French authorities and was banned from leaving the country.