In the early morning of August 29,

Telegram CEO Durov was released!

The prosecutor agreed to bail him for 5 million euros, but he was not allowed to leave France!

Market volatility intensified: DOGS soared, TON production was blocked

The French government accused Telegram CEO Pavel Durov of conspiracy to spread child pornography and other crimes on the instant messaging app.

Paris prosecutors also accused Durov on Wednesday of refusing to assist authorities in legal surveillance of suspects. Durov, 39, was arrested last Saturday after landing from a private plane at Le Bourget Airport in northern Paris.

The prosecutor agreed to bail him for 5 million euros, but he was not allowed to leave France.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was released under judicial supervision, paid a 5 million euro bail and was prohibited from leaving France. The news pushed the DOGS token up 16%, but the production of the TON blockchain was interrupted due to overload, and the team is urgently repairing it. User crypto assets are safe, and the market is waiting for TON to recover.

Gravity is expected to have more than 60 million transactions per month — twice as much as Ethereum — making it one of the most active chains based on user activity.