Telegram, the popular messaging app, is under investigation in India for its alleged role in facilitating crimes such as extortion and gambling ¹. This news comes as Pavel Durov, Telegram's Russian-born founder, was arrested in France as part of an ongoing judicial probe ¹.
French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that Durov's arrest was purely judicial, dismissing any political motivations behind it ¹. Macron stated that an ongoing investigation is underway against Durov, and a decision on this case will be made by the court.
This development raises concerns about the accountability of social media platforms in preventing criminal activities on their platforms. As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen what measures Telegram will take to address these concerns and ensure a safer experience for its users.
In a related development, President Macron recently paid a State Visit to India, where he was the Chief Guest for the 75th Republic Day of India.