In this guide, you can check out 8 ways to clearly distinguish between scam sites and major sites, as well as a list of recommended safe sites that meet the conditions below.


List of recommended verified major sites

Same on the outside, different on the inside – The difference between a major site and a scam site

Due to technological advancements, Toto solutions have also become more standardized compared to the past, and all Toto site owners, regardless of gender, are operating high-quality Toto sites.

However, the original fakes are different on the outside and inside. Please check out the 8 ways to distinguish between major sites and scam sites below.

1. Check promotional history through Googling

Google is not a portal site like Naver, but a search engine site where all portal sites, communities, and blog posts are compiled and uploaded. Therefore, there is no site with a long history of operation that does not have a history of promotion on Google.

Here, we only need to pay attention to one thing: the ‘site promotion date.’

Renewing a site can be done for a few hundred dollars. However, if it is a major site with no accidents, there is no need to renew. This is because their goal is to make their site a household name.

So if there is a place that advertises, “We are a major site that has been around for 10 years this year,” you can Google to see if there is any history of advertising from long ago. Since Googling will tell you whether these are fake or real, there is no self-verification as easy and fast as Googling to check the history of advertising.


2. Whether or not there is a text message attack a few days after signing up

Major sites do not send text messages to customers who sign up but do not deposit money. There are two reasons for this.

  • Because there is nothing to regret from the site's perspective

  • Since there are many members, it costs more than a million won to send a group text message.


If you send text messages every day like eating, even if they only send text messages about sudden events or domain information changes, tens of millions of won will be spent additionally in a month. For a major site that has nothing to regret, it is not something that needs to be done while spending money that is wasted.

However, if it is not a scam site or a major site, it is a different story. Each and every member who comes in is a pity, and since the number of members is small, the text message fee is only a few thousand won. The way to create the maximum efficiency with the minimum cost is to grab the pants of the people who come into their den once.


3. Site names that are missing or are common are major X

If you are the owner of a real site, one of your goals and wishes is to make your site prosperous and become a famous site. Therefore, you tend to create a site name with a unique and impactful name.

However, sometimes when you look at the names of sites promoted in the Toto community, you may see that the site name is ‘Betting’ or ‘Verification’, or there is no name at all, so when you access the site, the site title appears blank. This is an extremely obvious method.

Sites that do not have a name or whose site name is very common in relation to the Toto keyword are obviously not official sites, and at best they are partial scam sites, and at worst they are deposit scam sites.

When you search for ‘site name + scam’ in these places, it is impossible to search for scams because they are covered by other promotional articles, as shown in the search results above. Therefore, you can only search by domain, and the characteristic of these sites is that they create a lot of domains and distribute members.

Even if you make a domain, it costs 25,000 won per domain, but if one member deposits 100,000 won, it will be eaten and doubled. On the contrary, if you make only one or two domains, users will search for the domain on sites that check for scams such as Eat-and-Run Detective or Toto Hot, so the scam will be quickly discovered and you will have to renew the site again.

And do not use these places even if they are listed as certified companies on famous food fraud verification sites. When verification companies first came out, they pretended to be trustworthy and received advertisements on the site in order to establish themselves, but now they are complete thugs.

Common site name examples: Verification, Betting, Major, Toto, Live, Site, Landino, etc.


4. Whether or not KYC verification is required for new members

KYC verification is a verification system that requires simple personal information, including mobile phone verification, before providing a deposit account to newly registered members. KYC verification is a system that all overseas betting sites, including 1XBET, implemented to prevent minors under the age of 18 from registering according to licensing regulations, but currently, all major sites established in Korea are implementing this KYC verification.

If the sites are so picky about giving out just one deposit account number, it will be a loss for them, but the reason why major sites still implement KYC verification is simple.

This is because it can block collaborators and malicious users at an early stage. Since one malicious user can harm hundreds of existing users, it seems natural to introduce KYC so that sites that have more to lose than to gain from new member inflow in the future do not become greedy.

On the other hand, since scam sites have no tomorrow, they naturally easily provide deposit accounts to new customers without KYC verification.

5. Major sites do not handle branch offices.

What is a Toto site branch office? It refers to those who pay a deposit to the head office and receive a high commission of at least 40% and up to 60% in return to attract members and subordinate distributors. In return for paying a deposit to the Toto site head office, the branch office has the characteristic of directly handling the management of the members it has collected and the members collected by subordinate distributors, not through the head office.

In a word, a subsidiary is a Toto site within a Toto site, and refers to aspiring Toto site owners who do not have enough financial resources to operate the site.

Then what happens if you sign up with the branch office code? The answer is obvious. If you put down a deposit, that's fortunate. However, many private Toto sites are usually run by Korean gangsters, and considering their senior-junior loyalty policy, there are many cases where they give a job to a senior or junior who is having a hard time without receiving a deposit.

There has always been a lot of talk about sites that hire sub-branches. Naturally, if a major site hires a sub-branches, it is inevitable that its image will be damaged, and since frequent hit-and-run accidents easily occur, they do not accept sub-branches in the first place.

The only way to check if the site I use is accepting sub-branches is to search for ‘site name + sub-branches’ on Google and see if there is a history of getting a sub-branches. There is no way to know if someone gives a spot to an acquaintance because there is no record online.


6. Check the domain server location and registration date

WhoisLookup is a domain information search site where you can check the registration date and server location of a domain for free. Please search for the domain you are currently using here.

I searched for the domain of 1XBET, an overseas betting site that I actually use.


When you search for a domain in Whois Lookup, a screen like the one above will appear. You only need to check two things here.

IP Location (server location) and ASN (server registration date)

For 1XBET, you can see that the server location is Florida, USA and the server registration date is 2010.

Server locations in the United States, Hong Kong, and Japan are considered safe sites. If your site is registered on a Korean or Chinese server, unfortunately, it is a 100% scam site, so you should leave immediately.


7. Use a corporate bank account as your deposit account. – The most basic of the basics.

This is a good point to keep in mind if the server location is a safe site, as it is already a scam site if the server registration location is Korea or China. However, since the corporate name is the most basic of the basics, this is not a sure way to distinguish between a scam site and a major site.

So these days, everyone uses a corporation, so it's hard to tell the difference, but at least in this day and age, there's a very high chance that the person using a personal bank account is either their parents or a younger sibling they know.

I once had a conversation with the owner of a scam website that I knew from time to time who was making 10 million won a month, and he said that even the police just let owners who make 10 million won just run their business.

He was a guy with a corrupt mind, and in the end, while running the site, his bank account was blocked, so he ended up using his younger sibling's bank account and ended up in prison. In short, if there is a site that uses personal bank accounts, it is a truly hopeless site.


8. The most certain answer, whether or not there is a license

The most important condition for a major site is the presence or absence of a license, which is also the most reliable verification method.

Sites that have obtained an online gambling license in a foreign country, or in other words, overseas betting sites. They have a license.

The conditions for obtaining a gambling license include proof of business capital of at least 30 billion won and other strict conditions that must be met before a license can be issued.

Why do people use private Toto? It's because of the convenience and higher odds compared to official Toto.

However, private companies can never win against overseas betting sites that have launched Korean online services and support KRW deposits and withdrawals and the Korean language.

It is now very active and its market share has increased, but there are still many people who don't know about it, so they get scammed and buy major codes.

If you knew about the existence of overseas betting sites even now, I would like to tell you that you would not have to worry about finding a special major site and having to worry about the site's fraudulent behavior.


So far, we have learned about 8 ways to distinguish between major sites and scam sites. Whenever you sign up for a new site, in addition to the habit of Googling, if you invest some time and do some verification, you can avoid being scammed by a scam site and sign up for a safe site. It is best if it is a site with an official license.