The Polyhedra community has recently approved the integration of Flare with Polyhedra's zkBridge DVN, enabling Flare developers to create secure cross-chain applications using LayerZero. This integration leverages ZK proofs to ensure cryptographic guarantees, making zkBridge a trustless and efficient cross-chain interoperability protocol. With support for over 30 layer-1 and layer-2 networks, zkBridge has verified millions of cross-chain transactions using zkSNARKs. The addition of Polyhedra's zkBridge enhances the security of LayerZero's interoperability protocol, facilitating the seamless flow of value between networks. Flare, known for its data-intensive use cases, is set to benefit from zkBridge's capabilities in creating powerful cross-chain financial applications for DeFi. The integration signifies growing support for Flare and the value of ZK technology in enabling decentralized data acquisition and asset flow across networks. Read more AI-generated news on: