

Everyone is waiting to see what happens in the market from fluctuations and declines to rises.

This is the work of whales and large companies until the screening and fall of unsupported and weak currencies and the exit of those who could not be patient and were distracted by quick profits. The world of crypto was created for the continuity and development of humanity, not for quick profits and wealth.

This world was created to educate people about the importance of digitization and artificial intelligence.

As for currencies with a strong community, they resist and wait. The best example is the Telegram Toon currency, despite the collapse of its network, it did not get excited, and the same goes for Meme Dogg, which is on the rise.

As for King Bitcoin, it is the basis for a community of all classes. We will see its arrival to the top soon.

The important thing is patience, learning, and reading between the lines