As the #1 Rank on $DOGS, I want to address the concerns about the 550B DOGS supply, which has stirred up fear and disappointment among DOGS hunters. Many believe that 40M members will sell all at once on August 20th, but most people forget one thing.

1. There are 40M members. But do you remember that you can get 20,000 DOGS for free just by inviting 5 people? Someone might invite their father, mother, brother, sister, friend, just to get those 20,000 points. Incredible. But the real question is, out of the 5 people invited, will they all be active and serious about DOGS? Will their father, mother, sibling, and friend be willing to create a new wallet and pay gas fees to withdraw their DOGS? I do not think so.

2. I believe not all of the 40M members will connect their wallets and be willing to pay the gas fees, especially those who have less than 5,000 DOGS and only joined DOGS because of a friend’s invitation. For example, on July 26, 2024, there were 25M DOGS members, but only 10M connected wallets

3. And on August 3rd, there were only 500,000 members who posted DOGS stories! Hmm, that's a very small number.

4. Out of the 550B, about 400B DOGS will be distributed via airdrop. The question is, will 400B DOGS actually reach active wallets? Will members unfamiliar with the crypto world be willing to learn how to create wallets and pay gas fees? I don't think so. Maybe only 20% of members will be active and committed. Most will enter the DOGS Telegram app once and never open it again. Some only joined DOGS so their friends could get 20,000 points, while others couldn't care less about DOGS. Maybe from the 400B DOGS Airdrop, most (100-200B DOGS) will remain stuck in the DOGS app without ever entering any wallet. This is just my prediction. With this in mind, I believe that the majority of DOGS will continue to remain unclaimed even after the listing date. Unclaimed DOGS = HOLD DOGS!