According to IntoTheBlock, since Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested on August 24, the price of Notcoin ($NOT ) has been on a downward trend. According to the latest reports, the altcoin is trading at $0.0088, marking a 20% drop in value. With selling pressure mounting, NOT is at risk of falling to its all-time low of $0.0046, which was recorded on May 24. The recent price movement has led to a significant drop in the number of active addresses trading the coin over the past week. Data from IntoTheBlock shows that 76% of addresses that completed at least one NOT transaction during this period have declined. Similarly, the demand for the altcoin has weakened. On-chain data providers report that 77% of new addresses used to trade NOT have declined over the past week. When daily active addresses and new addresses for an asset decline, it indicates waning interest and declining participation, reflecting bearish market sentiment. Interestingly, despite this drop, NOT whales have seized the opportunity to increase their holdings. Over the past seven days, net inflows to large investors have surged by 312%. The indicator hit a three-month high of 15.33 billion NOT on August 24, following news of Durov’s arrest, which caused the price of the Telegram-based asset to fall. Large investors, defined as addresses holding more than 0.1% of the asset’s circulating supply, have seen increased net inflows, suggesting that whale addresses are accumulating more of the asset, thereby boosting their total holdings. Technical indicators for NOT suggest that the token’s value could fall further. Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) remains in a downtrend, hitting a 30-day low of -0.22.CMF measures the volume of money flowing in and out of an asset, with values ​​below zero indicating a weak market and the potential for further price declines. Additionally, the token’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently below the neutral level of 50, at 35.50. This suggests that selling pressure outweighs buying activity, reinforcing the bearish outlook. If the selling continues, NOT’s value could fall to an all-time low, potentially to around $0.00031. Conversely, if market sentiment changes and demand for NOT spikes, its price could recover to $0.013.
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