50,000 yuan profit in half a year with 500,000 yuan of capital, this is how contracts should be played

1. Learn to use leverage, don't learn to be a "bargainer"

The most common mistake made by novices is to overuse leverage, thinking that they can "get rich overnight", but the result is often "lost overnight".

2. Stop loss setting, a life-saving magic weapon

What is stop loss? Stop loss is to install an airbag in advance before you fall. Trading without stop loss is like driving without a seat belt. Once an emergency occurs, the consequences are disastrous.

3. Regular review, a ladder for trading progress

After each transaction, whether it is profitable or loss, you must look back at your own operations and find problems. Reviewing is like a review class after an exam. Only by summarizing experience and lessons can you make continuous progress.

4. Watch more and do less, wait and see and make money

Novices often feel itchy and can't help placing orders when they see market fluctuations. In fact, sometimes waiting and watching is also a strategy. When the market fluctuates greatly, staying calm and waiting for opportunities is more effective than frequent trading.

Remember not to carry orders! ! !

Holding the order will lead to death!!!


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