Evening strategy:

Last night we warned about short orders. Some people didn't see the loss, so there is nothing we can do. We also warned about what should be warned.

Today, we made good profits from long orders. Bitcoin earned more than twice the profit, and Ethereum earned more than 4 times the profit.

Tonight may have a different market trend.

The four-hour trend of Bitcoin KDJ golden cross upward did not turn downward, and MACD also had a trend of turning upward, but the volume did not keep up during this period. If this is the case, there will be a possibility of continuing to pull up and eat short orders to make up for yesterday's liquidated long orders.

Now the one-hour KDJ trend is also turning upward.

But the daily K-line KDJ is still dead cross downward without any intention of turning.

But the volume is increasing, which is a good thing. It depends on how it goes. I personally think it will rise first and then fall.

But Ethereum performed stronger than Bitcoin today, but the indicator trend is similar. The operation of altcoins refers to the trend of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin sees 62500 on the top and 57928 on the bottom

Ethereum sees 2650 on the top and 2388#美联储何时降息? on the bottom