Odaily Planet Daily News: BOCHK announced that it has become one of the first banks to participate in the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Ensemble project sandbox and will conduct concept certification for two tokenized application scenarios, fixed income and investment funds and liquidity management, to explore the practical application of tokenized financial asset transactions. As an initial member of the Ensemble project architecture working group, BOCHK has participated in the design and construction of the project's sandbox in the past few months. By simulating the identities of custodians and investors, it has successfully issued and purchased tokenized assets to verify the transaction settlement of inter-bank transfers (PvP) and delivery versus payment (DvP). The process operates smoothly, providing a solid foundation for the tokenized application scenario experiments to be launched. Its research use cases include fixed income and investment funds and liquidity management, and it plans to cooperate with BOC International Prudential Trustee Limited and BOCHK Asset Management Limited in the coming months to test two tokenized use cases in the Ensemble project sandbox. In addition, BOCHK will tokenize traditional financial assets in fixed income and investment fund use cases to verify the concept of tokenized asset trading; in liquidity management use cases, it will pilot the use of brand-new financial infrastructure in the sandbox for round-the-clock trading, providing a foundation for building a cross-border tokenized asset trading network. (cnyes)