[Aave contributor bgdlabs: Some Aave peripheral contracts have been detected to be attacked, and all user funds are safe] On August 28, Aave contributor bgdlabs said that a series of transactions across different networks were detected today, showing attacks on certain Aave peripheral contracts (peripheral contracts, which are not part of the Aave protocol itself and are only used on the app.aave.com user interface). The Aave core smart contract involved in all pool dynamics was not affected and has nothing to do with these transactions. The affected smart contract only interacts with the users who use it and the contract itself. This means that any potential attacker cannot affect any other user. In these transactions, no funds were withdrawn from any user, and all users' funds are completely safe in terms of Aave-related aspects. As a precaution, the maintainers of app.aave.com (Aave Labs) have temporarily disabled these functions and any other functions of a similar nature while we complete our research.