🚀 Starknet has just released the 0.13.2 upgrade with parallel execution! This is the first time an L2 network on Ethereum mainnet can process multiple transactions at the same time. đŸ”„

- CEO Eli Ben-Sasson likens L2 to "a supermarket with multiple checkout counters".

- Parallel execution helps reduce congestion when demand is high.

- This feature has been in testing since August 7 and will be officially active from August 28.

💡 The upgrade also has "block packing" which reduces confirmation time from 10-80s to just 2s, helping to increase speed and reduce transaction costs.

- "L2 scaling can reduce costs when there are more users, and block packing is a typical example."

📉 However, the ZKX Protocol on Starknet has been shut down due to lack of an economically viable roadmap.

What do you think of these improvements? Comment below! 👇