Pavel Durov has been officially nominated for the Nobel Prize. Rector of the Eurasian International University Konstantin Klimenko announced that he had sent an official submission to the Nobel Committee to award the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov the Nobel Prize. In my opinion, Durov deserves the Nobel Prize. Therefore, I have sent an official submission to the Nobel Committee to award Pavel Durov the Nobel Prize. This idea has already been supported by representatives of a number of universities and public organizations from Asian and African countries," Klimenko wrote.
He noted that he invited Durov to the Dubai BRICS Investment Forum as a speaker. As Klimenko emphasized, the businessman will be given the opportunity to participate in the forum remotely if he continues to be under arrest in France.#Telegram
French intelligence services detained Pavel Durov on the evening of Saturday, August 24, at Le Bourget Airport in Paris. He is suspected of illegal activities such as drug trafficking, crimes against minors, and fraud.
The Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan appealed to the French authorities on August 26