US Provides Military Aid to Israel Worth IDR 421 Trillion

condemned the US House of Representatives' approval of new military aid worth USD26 billion or IDR421 trillion to Israel, most of which is aimed at strengthening Israel's air defenses. "This support, which violates international law, is a permit and a green light for the extremist Zionist government [Israel] to continue its brutal aggression against our people," Hamas said in a statement, reported by Al Arab iya. "We consider this step as confirmation of America's official involvement and partnership in the war of extermination waged by the fascist occupation army against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip." This article was published on the page on Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 20:50 WIB by Andika Hendra Mustaqim with the title "US Distributes Military Aid to Israel Worth IDR421 Trillion, This is Hamas' Response". For more visit:*42ydzt*_ga*anBVN0N5Q0VIMTM2UEVYUE8tcWhPeHpoU3RqcmhJRFNoQTZuQkxWUWU2NkFMVzFqcWVnYXNCQjJXV1RhNHdRMg..*_ga_2HRD8GFP7Y*MTcyNDgyNzAyNy4xLjEuMTcyNDgyNzAzNS4wLjAuMA.. To read the news more easily, comfortably, and without lots of ads, please download the SINDOnews application. - Android: - iOS: