Bitcoin (BTC) has been around for 15 years, but it has only experienced two major surges. One was in 2013, when the price soared from $10 to $1,000; the other was in 2017, when the price soared from $300 to $19,000. Surprisingly, both of these leaps occurred within a year after the Bitcoin halving.

Recalling the end of 2017, the price of Bitcoin was as high as $19,000. Although the price has now risen to $60,000, it is not surprising compared to the increase in housing prices during the same period.

Bitcoin is both familiar and new to us. People's cognition is always improving, just as when the Internet first appeared, many people questioned whether it was a scam or a bubble. It was not until the Internet penetrated into people's lives and people found that they could no longer live without it that they realized its investment value, but by then the stock prices of related companies had already risen, such as Apple's current market value of 3 trillion.

So, what is the user base of Bitcoin?

According to statistics, its users are less than 50 million (calculated by Bitcoin addresses). Compared with Apple, which has billions of users, this number is obviously insignificant. But it is these less than 50 million users who have jointly created a market value of up to 1 trillion, which indicates that there is still huge room for growth in the future, which may be ten or a hundred times the current level.

Therefore, it is never too late to get involved in the field of cryptocurrency. The key is whether you can get ahead.

